Monday, December 28, 2009

Care for some green... anyone???

So much doing for "Going Green!"... the unsuccessful Climate Summit ... world leaders unable to achieve a consensus.. Environmental ministers claiming unrealistic targets.... we listen to all this is bitter despair and just say... oh!! they are politicians after all!!

But how many of us are actually re-iterating our lifestyle to see if we are doing anything at all.. Does "Green" mean anything that we can do like changing simple aspects of day-to-day living? Does eating an orange instead of enjoying an imported-canned-juiced version do any good to the planet? How about enjoying a cycle-ride instead of doing knee-aching-treadmill-routine?

I discovered that we really lack a clear idea on how much we get to contribute through these minor greendo acts...the change and revolution that we can create... and more importantly how much we can save in terms of evolution-costs!

More on this as thoughts flow.....